Raspberry leaf (Rubi idaei folium)

Published Octo­ber 15, 1987.
List of Ger­man Com­mis­si­on E Mono­graphs (Phy­to­the­ra­py)
Radish (Raphani sativi radix)InhaltsverzeichnisRhatany root (Ratanhiae radix)


Name of Drug

Rubi idaei foli­um, raspber­ry leaf.

Composition of Drug

Raspber­ry leaf con­sists of the leaf of Rubus idae­us L. [Fam. Rosaceae], as well as pre­pa­ra­ti­ons thereof.


Raspber­ry leaf is used for dis­or­ders of the gas­tro­in­testi­nal tract, the respi­ra­to­ry tract, the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem, and the mouth and throat, and also for skin ras­hes and inflamm­a­ti­on, influ­en­za, fever, mens­tru­al pro­blems, dia­be­tes, vit­amin defi­ci­en­cy, as a dia­pho­re­tic, diure­tic, and cho­ler­etic, and also to “puri­fy the skin and blood.”

The effec­ti­ve­ness of raspber­ry lea­ves for the fore­go­ing indi­ca­ti­ons has not been documented.


None known.


Sin­ce the effi­ca­cy has not been docu­men­ted, a the­ra­peu­tic appli­ca­ti­on can­not be recommended.

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